Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What's Stress Got To Do With It?

What’s Stress Got To Do With It?

Headaches, shoulder and neck tension, arthritic discomfort, joint and muscle pain. Herbal Adjustment (Herbal ADJ.) is the answer. Herbal Adjustment is a combination of two liquids (Peppermint oil, which is cool & Herbal ADJ, which is hot). For relief of pain and cramping, the two liquids are applied to the skin (peppermint first and then Herbal ADJ). The procedure of using the two together is called and “Herbal Adjustment.”

For headaches, apply the Peppermint Oil from the tip of the tailbone, up the spine, and on to the neck and back of the head, scalp, and on top of the head. Make the application about the width of the person’s hand. Next apply the two liquids to the temples and forehead (lean back as to not get into eyes, if so, flush thoroughly with water, remain calm and peace will return). Finally, apply in front of and behind the ears, down the neck on both sides and out to the shoulders. This complete application will have an effect on the entire nervous system of the body. The affects are quick and relief is swift. Repeat as needed. For mild headaches in progress, usually an application of the two liquids to the temples, forehead and back of the neck are all that is needed for headache relief.
Price: 1oz. $9 – 4oz. $27

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