Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hot Flashes

“Hot Flashes”

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) comes from china. The root of this herb is a proven remedy for feminine distress. Dong Quai contains a type of phyto-estrogen (vegetable source estrogen) and can act as estrogen if needed. If, on the other hand, estrogen levels are too high in the body, it competes with the body’s estrogen for activity sites and lowers the body’s estrogen. Don Quai strengthens and oxygenates all of the female organs. Circulation is restored and “dryness” is solved.

As a supplement for menstrual disturbances, starting 10 days before and during the period, 40 drops (1 teaspoon) three times per day after meals. In cases called “endometriosis” 40 – 80 drops three times per day internally, and externally apply 80 drops three times per day on the lower abdomen. Also institute a bowel maintenance program, which produces two, and preferably three, easy and complete bowel movements per day.
Price: 1 oz. $15 – 4 oz. $45

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