Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Female Monthly Woes?

Female Monthly Woes?

Menstrual Cycle got you singing, or moaning the blues? Herbway is introducing “Crampbark.” Crampbark is regarded as an antispasmodic agent. It is considered one of the best female regulators and relaxants of the ovaries and uterus. The dried bark is extremely high in Vitamin C and a very good source to supplement the system. Crampbark will speedily quiet the uneasiness and relieve the pains of uterine and abdominal cramps.

Used as a supplement to the diet for the nervous system to calm nerves and regulate the female system 40 drops (1 teaspoon) three times a day. To relieve cramping apply enough to cover the abdomen as often as needed. Also apply to the lower back and spine as needed for the same purpose.
Price: 1oz. $11.25 -- 4oz. $26.25

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