Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pain Relief?

Try "Alfalfa" for a body overhall. Alfalfa has many uses such as a food, alterative (good for the whole body), body nutrients, tonic, joints, stomach and arthritic discomfort, stops excess sweating, deodorizes, and a pituitary gland nutrient. Alfalfa is an organic plant sodium which nourishes the blood stream and promotes youthful, flexible joints and repairs the stomach. It also provides a balanced spectrum of vitamins and minerals. It stops hemorrhage, soaks up uric and lactic acid to prevent nerve irratation, lubricates joints, relieves pain, and is diuretic (relieves fluid retention).

Price: $8.50 = 1 oz. --$25.50 = 4 oz. & $9.00 = (capsules) 100 count

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